Download Ostbahnhof Font Family From Sylvain Mazas

Download Ostbahnhof Font Family From Sylvain Mazas
Download Ostbahnhof Font Family From Sylvain Mazas Download Ostbahnhof Font Family From Sylvain Mazas Download Ostbahnhof Font Family From Sylvain Mazas

Ostbahnhof is a headline font inspired by both german blackletter and hand-painted signs. The 4 weights can be combined together to achieve a fancy letterpress effect, where slightly rounded corners are not proportional to the font size. Not sure what I'm talking about? Have a look at the examples.
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Download TR Reqnad Display Font Family From Tondi Republk

Download TR Reqnad Display Font Family From Tondi Republk
Download TR Reqnad Display Font Family From Tondi Republk Download TR Reqnad Display Font Family From Tondi Republk Download TR Reqnad Display Font Family From Tondi Republk

Reqnad Display is part of a series of typefaces by Tondi Republk, inspired by modern industrial design and architecture. The Reqnad Display type system consists of seven typefaces with varying visual styles and weights which can be used interchangeably to create harmonious, versatile and impactful visual communication systems. Used alongside well curated imagery and grid based layouts it adds a modern appeal to written sentiments. To view more examples of layouts created with Reqnad Display search for the #ReqnadDisplay hashtag on social media.

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Download Iwata Mincho Old Std Font Family From IWATA

Download Iwata Mincho Old Std Font Family From IWATA
Download Iwata Mincho Old Std Font Family From IWATA Download Iwata Mincho Old Std Font Family From IWATA Download Iwata Mincho Old Std Font Family From IWATA


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Download Iwata New Gothic Font Family From IWATA

Download Iwata New Gothic Font Family From IWATA
Download Iwata New Gothic Font Family From IWATA Download Iwata New Gothic Font Family From IWATA Download Iwata New Gothic Font Family From IWATA

漢字・仮名とも天地左右を広くとり、 均整のとれたデザインのゴシック体です。
縦組み横組みどちらでもきれいにラインが揃い、 バランスがとれた美しい組版を実現します。

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Download Iwata Seichou Font Family From IWATA

Download Iwata Seichou Font Family From IWATA
Download Iwata Seichou Font Family From IWATA Download Iwata Seichou Font Family From IWATA Download Iwata Seichou Font Family From IWATA

活字書体「弘道軒清朝体」のデジタル復刻版です。四号清朝体を忠実に再現した「復刻版」と古風なイメージを残しつつ JIS 字体にほぼ準拠した「現代版」があります。

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